Redd Barna is a charity organization based in Norway. It aids children all over the world protecting their rights and giving them support both long-term and in need of emergency. Its a part of the global Save the Children organization founded after The First World War. The project was made using an app making engine Origami developed by a startup founded by my partner from Norway with whom we made this project happen. The engine allowed to create responsive layouts both for iOS and Android.
The goal is to help children all over the world.
Everything started with an idea to make the process of helping children located in farthest places of the Earth a simple process.
Moreover, people should know that somewhere out there children are suffering and don’t have a lot opportunities to get decent education. The task was to make a responsive app for smartphones and tablets that would contain all the necessary information on the issue and have a function of making a donation. As this well-known organizations already had a rich history and developed branding style (logo, font, brand book), we could focus on UI/UX and proper interactivity.
Imagery and prototyping of a mobile app.
Here are some screens in the development stage of this project.
Final app UI.
After many iterations and regular feedback from the client during the process of development, the UI of the application was simplified to the maximum in order not to distract attention from the main functionality and sections. They are: “History of development of Redd Barna”, “Interactive map of places, where there’s the biggest number of children in need”, “Profiles of concrete children and their stories”, “Donation section with an easy to use slider”.
Real-life iOS application experience.