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I really like illustration as an art. It’s been almost a few years since I started developing myself as an illustrator and a digital concept artist. I just love watching quality SciFi movies and looney Pixar/Disney cartoons. They inspire me and give life to my imagination. On this page you can see a few of my experimental illustration projects, urban sketches made with markers and digital sketches. Some of them are finished and other need to be colored.
An illustration inspired by Dan Brown's Inferno.
Ipad Pro experiments in Procreate App.
Urban sketching with brushpen.
A few marker sketches of Bavaria, Provence and one of my favorite objects for drawing – an old street lamp.
Flat triangular icons of animals. ZOO-navigation.
Some sketches that soon will be finished.
Experimenting with line, perspective, characters and and drawing styles. To be continued 🙂

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