An iPad Pro sketch made for the owner of a blogĀ about restaurant business and food Daria Dovgusha. Initial idea and task was to draw a rough sketch to illustrate what the blog is all about. It meant to be used as header for WordPress site. First I wanted to make the header way more detailed and polished, but the client liked the sketchy look of the initial work.
Sketchy blogcafe.com.ua head banner.
The sketch was drawn in Procreate app on iPad Pro. it tells a story of everyday life of a food blogger.
Approved logo design of Blog Cafe.
When the sketch was finalized and approved, the client asked also to make a logo for the web site. I did a thorough research of the topic the blog deals with and got aquatinted with Daria’s authentic style of writing. The logo had to depict the essence of the blog – opening and managing a restaurant business. The textured background of the sign tells us that this blog (and eventually business) is for wealthy people who just love different kinds of cuisine. The “blog” font is a bit more playish telling about the mood of the blog and “cafe” font is responsible for the business-like topic.